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5 Steps to Hacking the Universe's Downward Energy Pull

Writer's picture: Hannah R-ReyesHannah R-Reyes

Many of us live by the energetic pull of the universe. It can alter our emotions, our productivity, and how we manage our relationships. Often times, a shift in these energy fields comes at inconvenient times— just when we’re feeling extra motivated, in the midst of positive creation and productivity, the universe suddenly pulls us into a state of passivity, or even, depression. The drive that we felt, or the tidal crest we were surfing, suddenly drops and we find ourselves in the trough of the wave, paddling with all our might to keep the momentum, but nonetheless, being dragged backwards. The To Do Lists get longer, and our focus scatters.

So how do we hack the downward energy shifts to remain focused and productive when the universe seems to be guiding us elsewhere?

5 Energy Hacks to Stay on Track

These 5 steps can help us stay on track when we need it most. They may seem obvious to some, especially during our productive times, but when we’re caught in the downward pull they are worth revisiting, and prioritizing. By following these steps despite our downward energy, we can still succeed on what we wish to achieve, and even speed up the time it takes for the universe to reward us with that highly productive energy once again!

  1. Keep a List of Intentions, separate from your To Do List What’s the difference between Intentions and To Do’s? Intentions can be a little more vague, but no less important. They may be related to diet and exercise (both vital to your heart and mind), such as “walk 1 mile every day,” or “make healthier choices.” They may be related to meditation and personal energy, such as “live each day with more joy,” “form deeper relationships,” or “daily meditate.” Or perhaps its related to your finances, such as “stick to a budget.” Review your List of Intentions, and input them into an hourly & weekly calendar first, followed by their associated To Do's. For example, if your Intention is to meditate daily, then block time out every day to do so, for the entire week. If your Intention is to make healthier choices, block out time in your calendar for meal planning, preparation, and a trip to the supermarket, as well as time for eating. After your Intentions are blocked into your calendar, block out time for the rest of your To Do’s. Be as realistic as possible, considering commute times or Google searches as much as you can. It is also key to keep your Lists are simple as you need them to be during this low productivity period. Unless it is absolutely necessary for survival, don’t try to pack too much into your calendar when all you really want to do is sleep (time block daily naps into your calendar, if you must!). Be sympathetic to your energy needs, and again, be as realistic as possible. Keep your two lists near you as often as you can, actively open on your phone or desktop, or in a personal notebook. A digital calendar can send you reminders and notifications throughout the day of what you should be doing when.

  2. Establish a Routine Having a daily routine will help you achieve more in each day, but it does require an Intention for Better Time Management. Blocking time in your calendar for your List of Intentions and To Do’s is first and foremost in helping you establish a routine. Maybe you find that you are most effective at making your grocery list on Wednesday afternoons when work is slow and you’re already surfing Pinterest, but you can’t get to the supermarket until Friday evening on your commute home. Block both tasks into your calendar, and make them part of your weekly routine. This will make you more efficient, even for those who live by the pull of the universe. It may not always be as easy as it sounds, but may be essential while caught in an energetic downward lull. Even during depression, having a notification on your phone reminding you to wake up at 6:00am and honor your Intention of a 15 minute meditation may be just the motivation not only for you to do it, but to help you pass through your depression faster.

  3. Seek an Accountability Partner Sometimes, personal motivation is enhanced just by sharing your achievements (or lack thereof) with someone else. Ideally, the person you share with will be able to encourage you with positive reinforcement, and will also help you identify ways in which you can improve upon your efforts. They will be sympathetic to your shortcomings, but also provide the motivation (or tough love) that you need to stay on track. This person can be a partner, a parent, a therapist, a coworker, a friend, or someone who you have an online relationship with in some way. Facebook groups and Instagram pods can be effective tools for finding Accountability Partners. In-person networking events and Meet Up groups can also be great methods for finding people to keep you on track with your personal goals.

  4. Reward Your Efforts What rewards keep you motivated? Is it a scoop of chocolate ice cream at the end of a detox? Is it a night out with friends or a trip to Disneyland? (Hey SoCal!) Maybe its shopping for a new blouse or dress after you’ve stuck to your monthly budget? Sometimes, the reward is a restful night’s sleep knowing you’ve done all you could that day to follow your dreams. Big or small rewards for accomplishing any task can definitely motivate you to keep executing your goals, whatever they may be. An Accountability Partner can also help you come up with relevant rewards for the both of you when you’ve achieved all you wanted to each week.

  5. Keep a Journal Journaling is a precious practice that can help you determine what it is you really want out of your life. There are different kinds of journaling methods, but as usual, giving yourself an Intention for Journaling can help you stay on track to meet your desired goals. This is a sacred space to explore your feelings, reflect on your circumstances, and develop your plan forward. In your journal you can begin your List of Intentions and To Do’s, you can decide who could become your Accountability Partner, and how you’d like to reward yourself. You can use your journal as a motivating tool, providing for yourself the positive, encouraging voice you need to hear. However you wish to use your journal, the practice is an important one to include in your daily routine, even for just 15 minutes. It can help you recognize the obstacles that are getting in the way of your success, especially when those obstacles are your own heart and mind.

Your wellness is the most important asset in your life, and honoring your body and mind during a downward energy pull is essential. If at any time it feels too overwhelming, or like you can’t escape the bad vibes, contact a counselor or therapist to guide you towards betterment. There is no glory in struggling alone, and happiness is achievable for everyone. A therapist is always recommended, even in happier, more productive times, to help you achieve awareness, accountability, and overall peace. There is no shame in working with someone to help you find your best self!

Everyone can use more advice or tools for getting through a slump! The important thing to remember is that everything is temporary, and this too shall pass. Soon enough, the universe will revitalize your energy and you'll be back to your normal, high-functioning self.

What do you think of these 5 hacks for getting through downward energy?

Do you have other suggestions?

Comment below and let me know what you think!

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