This post is a follow up to Books & Audiobooks ~ An Intro to Buddhism

What I love about The Art of Happiness, an interview with the Dalai Lama by Dr. Howard C. Cutler, is the clarity of dialogue between the venerable leader and the psychiatrist as they explore humanity’s daily struggles with anxiety, fear, insecurity and anger. It provides real insight into the awareness and compassion the Dalai Lama has for everyday people in the world, and inspires us towards loving-kindness.

Tao Te Ching is a Taoist text born out of Confucius teachings and the rise of Buddhism in neighboring India. LaoZi and Confucius were Chinese contemporaries of Buddha, and LaoZi applied Buddha's teachings into his philosophy of how man should think and act. When you pick up this book, also be sure to grab a copy of I Ching, and begin your reflective journey for seeking guidance on moral decision making based in Confucianism.

In Awakening the Buddha Within: Tibetan Wisdom for the Western World, Lama Surya Das shares how each of us has the power within us to awaken to who we really are by leading a more compassionate, enlightened and balanced life. This book explores principles embodied in the Noble Eight-Fold Path and the Three Enlightening Trainings found in all schools of Buddhism.
and lastly, two books you shouldn’t overlook:

But first, a confession!
I actually bought myself The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Buddhism when I was in college, eventually giving it to a curious friend. Both this book, and Buddhism for Dummies are considered to be excellent resources for gaining an academic approach to Buddhism.
Continue reading Yoga and Tai Chi ~ An Intro to Buddhism, for my recommendations of introductory tools and resources for establishing a stronger foundation for your practice.
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~An Intro to Buddhism~
These are my recommendations to begin-- or deepen-- your meditation practice and to understanding more about Buddhism: The apps, podcasts, websites and books that I turn to for seeking my True North.